I have ten minutes to write this email and I have a good excuse ;)
Today was a special P-day. All the Elders (Apparently the sisters weren’t
invited), went to South Manchester and had a Conference P Day.
President gave us instruction on the Book of Mormon and Sister Ulrich
spoke on being Obedient in all things especially our health, dress and
The instruction today was so inspired and many points were so golden. We
mostly centered on the confirmation of the Book of Mormon but references from
both the Doctrine and Covenants and King James Bible.
D&C 17:6, 19:26, 20:8, (King James Bible 4 years by many scholars/Book
of Mormon 65 days The Power of God through the Prophet Joseph Smith) Isaiah
29:14; D&C20:9-42:12 (Atonement in BOM 27 times, New testament 1 time) 2
Nephi 3:12 ; EZK 37:16-17; D&C 20:10, 20:11,20:14
. . . May I first say how inspiring the Elders day was today! I was
excited to have such a special P-day with such a gathering of priesthood and
more especially missionaries from The England Manchester Mission. There is
great power in numbers and that is so very evident in the way the Lord would
have us teach. Two is such a strong number however threes are a testament of
divinity. Having the Godhead as three distinct individuals, having the First
Presidency, and having two missionaries of the Lord led by their senior
companion, The Holy Spirit!
In planning and meetings throughout the week I have learned more fully
the process of setting goals, making plans and following up. This was something
of emphasis in the England MTC with my teacher and learning and applying are
two very different processes. I know that these three things are the structure
to successful missionary work. Being worthy of and obedient to the Lord and all
he has commanded and having the faith to increase our own limits. He knows
everyone oh so very much and especially the investigator and missionary. That
relationship is proxy of the Lord teaching his brothers and sisters his gospel.
Through that proxy we as missionaries learn so very much, the Lord’s hand is in
all things.
The days are passing by and it honestly scares me. Through study of The
Book of Mormon, multiple daily prayers and my patriarchal blessing, I have
found greater insight to myself and my purpose. We must first prepare and plant
the seeds of faith to bring forth the fruits of righteousness. I must/am
be(ing) obedient and LIVE this process as How am I supposed to bring others to
come unto Christ if I am not living what I am teaching?
Our investigators are progressing and building in such faith and my
companion and I are praying and working to best help them receive every promise
the Lord has, as we make covenants. The work is going forward and I love that
missionary work is familiar and much more natural now. I have learned tracting
is incredible in many ways and that the Lord often waits till that last couple
houses for us to find those that are prepared. Often the Lord stretches our
will to inch closer to his, and I have loved seeing how I have grown in the
simple 1 1/2 months I have been serving in England. Every day counts and I love
the power of The Book of Mormon as expressed today in our meeting. I am
intrigued how much anyone can learn from reading and praying to receive the
promise of revelation and I aspire to improve my love of that power. Something
that inspires me each day is 2 Nephi 33. The whole chapter is gold :) Especially
2-5. All in all it combines to LIVE THE PROMISE, and Promise to all that
Powerful, powerful. Love you all soooooooo much sorry I could not
message anyone else ;( My love is too all.
I am sure everyone has exciting news. I can’t wait to hear it next week.
Elder Cooper
Bolton England
THE FAMILY TREE ME, Father, Grand Pappy,
Great Grand Pappy