Cindy (AKA The Momma :)
November 6, 2017
Momma Goose!
ITS THE FINAL COUNTDOWN .... Hahah okay that was a little evil but He talks about it all the time ;)
Your Matchless love is felt around the globe:) It has been a joy to realise the worth of each soul and understand the growth that comes when we stop worrying and NIKE Just do It! I have been thinking a lot about how we see others and what vision we can have of seeing " Through Heavens Eyes". It is very easy to choose the selfish path in life however the study of Christ and his character enlightens the mind and lightens any load.
I am so thankful for your message this week and a lot of my questions in life have been answered as I really stopped focusing on what I wanted to know and started focusing on how I could be an instrument in the hands of deity. What an honour! We all have sensitivity to the God of All Creation WHAT?!?! Is this real life? I couldn't help but laugh recently as the streets in England are still covered in rain and Home is already becoming a winter wonderland/ nightmare. What a contrast. To be honest I am a huge fan of the snow... I may be regretting those words in a few years but you never realise what you love until it is not there anymore.
Thank you yet again for your inspiration and love.
Jolly old England is wonderful especially as we are starting # LightTheWorld very soon. we just received the cards and had the joy of sharing them with those prepared souls in Blackburn area. right now our Ward Mission Leader has been released and we are in need of a new one. haha The blind leading the blind what a sight ;)
Nothing is incredibly new in my life. I have not gained any weight which is a plus! I have been blessed with much chicken pasta and rice but we try to get as many coloured foods as we can.
I would really love teeth whitening at some point in time. The material here for dentistry isn't very effective but Sister W, Soon to be M, was going to be a pal and send me some when she goes home. So I guess we will see if that works out.
I had the wonderful opportunity to have a Baptismal Interview with a friend from the Chorley Sisters ( W and M) her name is L! She is going to be baptised this coming weekend and we really want to bring A to see the baptism.
Elder W and I are doing well together and as he prepares to return home I am doing all within my power to stay focused. Sometimes we just need to " Mourn with those that mourn and Celebrate a return to life for a friend." ahah I think that's how the scripture goes.
Elder V is nowhere near me but I know he exists haha does that count? I am very thankful we both changed and became better men through Christ. Its quite funny when you see someone from your childhood change. It is often hard to see it in yourself.
I talked to C L recently and got his email. I am looking forward to staying in contact.
We are now planning to go and climb Darwen Tower. Its is very nice and Elder W wanted to go before his time is up.
Its totally okay to laugh at this picture! Elder W and I were having a photo shoot with Carl ( The Camel ) He is really photogenic !
I love you and Will protect our family against galactic dangers.
# Gaurdians of The Galaxy